[Thesis] Submission Request of Final Printed Copy of thesis
- NO
- 379286
- Date
- 2023-12-22
- Modify Date
- 2023-12-22
- Writer
- 일반대학원
- Count
- 2735
1) Submission Period : 2024. 1. 8.(Mon.) ~ 1. 12.(Fri.)
- Location : Building No.15, 304.
- Visit time : 09:00 ~ 17:00
2) Submission Contents: You have to submit 3 things to graduate school office.
(1) 4 copies of thesis with approval signature of judges
(2) 저작권동의서, (3) 제출확인서 with your origianl signature
- You can print (2)&(3) on library website after you submit theseis file to Dcolletion with library's approval.
It takes 1 or 2 days for library's approval. So please upload early.
- Please refer to attached Dcollection Manual. If you have question about Dcollection, please call to 032-835-9414.
※ English Thesis must include Korean abstract.
※ In case of you can't get 4 original approval signature , You can use color-scanned paper of judges's signature.
But you should keep original approval signature paper on your own.
※ Title of printed copy of thesis must be same with that of portal system.
=> If you need title change, please apply it in portal system, and you must get approval from your advisor professor and head of department.
=> At, [Portal - 통합정보 - 학사행정(Academic Administration - 졸업논문관리(Grad Schl Thesis/Dissertation) -청구논문제목변경신청] menu,
you have to enter 변경후 논문제목(국문), 변경후 논문제목(영문), and Reason for Change => 신청(Applic)
※ You can issue your "학위수여예정증명서 (Certificate of expected degree award)" from January 8.
- You can issue for free on the issuance machine on campus, and you can print online https://www.webminwon.com/ with fee.
- Attachment