2024-2 Guidance on Established courses and courses registration

Modify Date

1. Period for courses registration



credit(per semester)


courses registration




~ 08.28.(Wed) 17:00

9 credits(Recommended)

* Maximum

12 credits

Recommend to get guidance from major department



Within 6 credits

After checking whether the subject is eligible for the course of credit, and course guidance from the major department

*Although the completion credits for each course have been met, if the prerequisite credits are not met, the student cannot complete or graduate. Credit management required

(It is not possible to change the completion classification between acquired prerequisite credits and completion credits for each course)

Change Enrolled courses


prerequisite subject

2024.09.02.(Mon) 10:00

~ 09.06.(Fri) 17:00


Check the subject for which credit is recognized and completed;

Take care not to cause cases such as duplicate completion of the course. (fails to graduate or completion)





2024.09.06.(Fri) 17:00~


The subject can be canceled depending on the standards for opening

* Course enrollment notes

After checking whether the subject is eligible for the course of credit, and course guidance from the major department

* Although the completion credits for each course have been met, if the prerequisite credits are not met, the student cannot complete or graduate. Credit management required

(It is not possible to change the completion classification between acquired prerequisite credits and completion credits for each course)

Please note that students who have completed the master's program at our graduate school and are enrolled in the doctoral program at our graduate school cannot apply for courses completed in the existing master's program when registering for courses.

(However, you can apply for Thesis Research subjects.)


2. Methods for courses registration

After checking the guidance from major department

(major subject, prerequisite subject. etc), Click on the below web site.

(http://gsugang.inu.ac.kr) *Please pay attention to the duration.

School Portal System is not supporting for courses registration.

그림입니다.  원본 그림의 이름: CLP000023581277.bmp  원본 그림의 크기: 가로 983pixel, 세로 425pixel


3. Checking for the courses and syllabus

Status of Graduate School Lectures

1) [Attachment] Status of Lectures(2024.08.13.current status, and can be changed)

2) [Graduate School Web Site]-[Academic Information]-[Time-Table]

Syllabus(Class methods) *Checking the class methods(online/offline) or english based lecture

[Portal System]-[Integrated Information]-[Academic Administration]-[Class]-[Syllabus]

* Classify [Graduate School] : [Graduate School] - [Graduate School] - [Check]


4. Note : Graduate school students can take course from other departments within 1/2 of the completion credits, but it can be restricted depending on the characteristics of the subject and the conditions of the course.


5. Course Repetition

You cannot repeat the course that you have already taken. However, in the case of "F" you can repeat the course of the same subject.


6. Details for courses registration

Required credits for each degree course and credits per semester

Degree courses

Major Subject

Prerequisite Subject

Required Credits

Credits per semester

Required Credits



Credits per semester



Combined B.S./M.S.

More than 24 credits

9 credits

Within 12 credits





More than 24 credits

9 credits

Within 12 credits

12 credits

Within 12 credits

Within 6 credits

Combined M.S./Ph.D.

More than 60 credits

9 credits

Within 12 credits


More than 36 credits

9 credits

Within 12 credits

24 credits

Within 15 credits

Within 6 credits

Course registration limitation

- You cannot apply for courses that overlap in the time-table, and if you get the credit from same course(by mistake or intentionally), it will not be recognized as a required credits for completion/graduation.

- Please note that students who have completed the master's program at our graduate school and are enrolled in the doctoral program at our graduate school cannot apply for courses completed in the existing master's program when registering for courses.

(However, you can apply for Thesis Research subjects.)

Please check the required credits for Major subject and Prerequisite Subject because both of them are necessary for completion/graduation. (get the guidance from the major department in advance for courses registration) (It is not possible to change the completion classification between acquired prerequisite credits and completion credits for each course)


Major subject



Credits per semester

Major Dep.


Recommend to get guidance from major department before courses registration (Major subject, Prerequisite subject, Subject from other major)

9 credits


12 credits


Subject from other major

In Graduate School, other major subjects can be taken within half of the required credits for each degree courses.

[Thesis Research]


After completing one semester, you can only take the [Thesis Research] class lectured by advisor(professor) while attending the school(only once).

Students can choose [Thesis Research] freely as major subjects and include them in their completion/graduation credits.


Prerequisite Subject

1) Please check whether the subject is eligible for the course of credit, and course guidance from the major department

Degree courses

Students necessary for prerequisite subjects*

Courses registration

Prerequisite Subjects


Recognition *

Credit per semester

Required Credits


Combined M.S./Ph.D.

Similar and non-identical major departments, etc.

Courses registration designated by the major department

(among the undergraduate courses of the major)

Within 12 credits

Within 6 credits

More than 12 credits


Similar and non-identical major departments,

graduated from special graduate school(M.S.), etc.

Courses registration designated by the major department

(among the established courses of the major)

Within 15 credits

Within 6 credits

More than 24 credits

* A student who submit a Certificate of Eligibility for the Field of Study and a Certificate of Credit Recognition when submitting an application for admission.



2) Check whether necessary for Prerequisite Subjects or not and Credit Recognition.


Checking Method


students necessary for prerequisite subjects

[Portal system]-[Integrated Information]

-[Management for school register]-[Check for personal school register]

*[Basic information for school register] - [Check for Relevant or not/Credit Recognition]

M.S. / Combined M.S./PH.D. :

그림입니다.  원본 그림의 이름: CLP00002b980f12.bmp  원본 그림의 크기: 가로 237pixel, 세로 31pixel

PH.D. :

그림입니다.  원본 그림의 이름: CLP00002b980001.bmp  원본 그림의 크기: 가로 232pixel, 세로 35pixel

Credit Recognition of prerequisite subjects

[Portal system]-[Integrated Information]-[Management for school register]-[Check for personal school register]

*[Grade] - [Grade per semester] - [Check semester just before admission] - [Check Credit Recognition]

If students take courses duplicated,

one cannot be recognized for required credit.


* New students for the 2024-2 semester must register for courses after checking their student number and prerequisite courses for credit recognition.



7. Undergraduate students(taking courses of graduate school)


Available credit


Undergraduate students


Senior Students

Up to 6 credits (of graduate school courses) can be recognized.

Please Courses registration after checking the guidance from the advisor(professor).

Credits can be recognized in M.S. or combined M.S./Ph.D. courses.

Combined B.S./M.S.

Before entering graduate school, those approved combined B.S./M.S. only can Courses registration graduate school courses in approved departments and complete to 12 credits until undergraduate graduation.

Credits of Students in combined B.S./M.S. can be recognized in master’s courses.

