2008.05.03 Georgia Institute of Technology (공학박사)
2008.04.03 Georgia Institute of Technology (공학석사)
2005.12.17 Georgia Institute of Technology (공학석사)
2002.02.25 인하대학교 (공학석사)
2000.02.24 인하대학교 (공학사)
Embedded Aluminum Sections and Prestressed High-Performance Concretes for Improving Shear Performance of RC Beams, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제22권(집) , 2025.07.01
Ultimate Performance of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs Enhanced by SHCC Drop Panels Mitigating Punching Failure, Journal of Building Engineering , 제99권(집) , 2025.04.01
Conceptual prediction of harbor sedimentation quantities using AI approaches to support integrated coastal structures management, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , PP.11~21 , 2025.02.01
Enhanced snow melting efficiency in thermal energy storage concrete incorporated with carbon nanotubes for pavement applications, Journal of Energy Storage , 제107권(집) , 2025.01.30
Nonlinear resonant bar of approximate Ramberg–Osgood type modulus defect, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 제233권(집) , 2025.01.15
Assessing the efficacy of alginate-encapsulated rejuvenators from soybean oil sludge and fatty acid for enhanced self-healing capacity of asphalt mixtures, Road Materials and Pavement Design , 제26권(집) , 제1호 , PP.133~157 , 2025.01.02
Comparative study on deep and machine learning approaches for predicting wind pressures on tall buildings, Alexandria Engineering Journal , 제111권(집) , PP.610~627 , 2025.01.01
유한요소해석을 통한 쌍타원형 가새골조의 특성평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제15권(집) , 제6호 , PP.16~22 , 2024.12.31
PCM 함침 팽창 혈암 함유 고강도 열에너지 저장 콘크리트 개발, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제15권(집) , 제6호 , PP.32~41 , 2024.12.09
Shear Strengthening of RC Beams Using Prestressed Near-Surface Mounted Bars Reducing the Probability of Construction Failure Risk, Materials , 제17권(집) , 제23호 , 2024.12.01
Development of a new polyurethane elastomer class for accurate simulation of structural behavior in OpenSees, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제38권(집) , 제12호 , PP.6573~6582 , 2024.12.01
Shear improvement of defected RC beams with sustainable aluminum boxes incorporating high performance concretes , Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제21권(집) , 2024.12.01
Assessment of rheological properties of asphalt binder modified with babassu oil, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 2024.12.01
Machine learning approaches for estimating concrete shear strength in FRP reinforced members without shear reinforcement, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제53권(집) , 제3호 , PP.327~341 , 2024.11.10
Enhancing thermal energy storage efficiency at low temperatures with innovative macro-encapsulation of nano phase change material in cementitious composites, Construction and Building Materials , 제449권(집) , 2024.10.31
Modeling properties of recycled aggregate concrete using gene expression programming and artificial neural network techniques, Frontiers in Built Environment , 제10권(집) , 2024.10.10
PCM 함침 팽창점토가 적용된 콘크리트 복합체의 열적 및 기계적 성능평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제15권(집) , 제5호 , PP.43~50 , 2024.10.01
Investigation of physicochemical properties, sustainability and environmental evaluation of metakaolin- granulated blast furnace slag geopolymer concrete, Computers and Concrete , 제34권(집) , 제4호 , PP.489~501 , 2024.10.01
Development of microencapsulated PCM concrete with improved strength and long-term thermal performance using MWCNTs, Construction and Building Materials , 2024.09.01
Evaluation of the Fire Behavior of Low-Rise Eccentrically Braced Frame Structures Under Different Fire Scenarios, FIRE TECHNOLOGY , 제60권(집) , 제5호 , 2024.09.01
CFRP 및 CFRP Hybrid와 일반 강재의 실험을 통한 재료적 성능 비교, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제15권(집) , 제4호 , 2024.08.31
자동복원 마찰슬릿댐퍼의 해석적 거동특성 분석, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제44권(집) , 제4호 , 2024.08.30
Subpixel Accuracy of Shoreline Monitoring Using Developed Landsat Series and Google Earth Engine Technique, PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science , 제92권(집) , 제4호 , PP.395~414 , 2024.08.01
Behavioral characteristics analysis of pretension damper with superelastic shape memory alloy, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제20권(집) , 2024.07.01
Strengthening of RC beams with inadequate lap splice length using cast-in-situ and anchored precast ECC ferrocement layers mitigating construction failure risk, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제20권(집) , 2024.07.01
Design and Material Optimization of Oil Plant Piping Structure for Mitigating Erosion Wear, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제14권(집) , 제12호 , 2024.06.17
Recent Advances and Developments in Phase Change Materials in High-Temperature Building Envelopes: A Review of Solutions and Challenges, Buildings , 제14권(집) , 제6호 , 2024.06.01
유한요소해석을통한 고온 고압 환경내에 송유관 변형방지 연구, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제44권(집) , 제3호 , PP.271~276 , 2024.06.01
Enhancing shear strength of RC beams through externally bonded reinforcement with stainless-steel strips and FRCM jacket to mitigate the failure risk, Results in Engineering , 제22권(집) , 2024.06.01
Examination of the Physical–Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Self-Curing Concrete Using Crushed Ceramic,Volcanic Powder, and Polyethylene Glycol, Sustainability , 제16권(집) , 제11호 , 2024.06.01
Enhancement of cantilevered RC beams exhibiting inadequate lap spliced reinforcement using sustainable reinforced ECC layers, Construction and Building Materials , 제428권(집) , 2024.05.17
Harbor Sedimentation Management Using Numerical Modeling and Exploratory Data Analysis, Advances in Civil Engineering , 제2024권(집) , 2024.05.01
Damage detection of lightweight concrete dual systems reinforced with GFRP bars considering various building heights and earthquake intensities , Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제20권(집) , 2024.04.20
Modeling of success factors of using PU coats in concrete construction projects, Heliyon , 제10권(집) , 제7호 , 2024.04.15
An advanced software interface to make OpenSees for thermal analysis of structures more user-friendly, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제51권(집) , 제2호 , PP.127~138 , 2024.04.04
내진 구조용 압축재로 활용을 위한 폴리케톤의 특성 평가, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제44권(집) , 제2호 , PP.133~139 , 2024.04.01
Monitoring of the post-tensile structures camber using the terrestrial close-range photogrammetry , OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 제35권(집) , 제48호 , 2024.04.01
Behavior of simple precast high-strength concrete beams connected in the maximum bending moment zone using steel extended endplate connections, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제50권(집) , 제6호 , PP.627~641 , 2024.03.15
수치해석을 통한 자동복원 신소재 댐퍼 적용 구조물 성능 검증, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제15권(집) , 제1호 , PP.33~39 , 2024.02.21
긴장력이 적용된 초탄성 형상기억합금 장수명 댐퍼의 특성 분석, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제44권(집) , 제1호 , PP.11~17 , 2024.02.01
An analysis of LULC changes for understanding the impact of anthropogenic activities on food security: a case study of Dudhganga watershed, India, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT , 제196권(집) , 제1호 , 2024.01.01
Development of nanomodified eco-friendly thermal energy storing cementitious composite using PCM microencapsulated in biosourced encapsulation shell, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제19권(집) , 2023.12.01
A study on performance evaluation of hybrid dampers, Structures , 제58권(집) , 2023.12.01
마이크로캡슐 상변화 물질을 이용한 나노공학 초고성능 시멘트 복합체의 열적 및 기계적 성능평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제14권(집) , 제65호 , PP.32~38 , 2023.10.23
A Clinical Decision Support System for Edge/Cloud ICU Readmission Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization, Ensemble Machine Learning, and Explainable Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Access , 제11권(집) , PP.100604~100621 , 2023.10.06
Boosting Hot Mix Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Prediction Using Statistical and Machine Learning Regression Modeling Techniques, Sustainability , 제15권(집) , 제19호 , 2023.10.03
졸겔공법을 이용한 복합상변화물질의 열성능 평가, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제43권(집) , 제5호 , PP.555~566 , 2023.10.01
Experimental Performance Verification of Rubber Friction Bearing, Journal of Building Engineering , 제75권(집) , 2023.09.15
초탄성 형상기억합금을 적용한 선행압축 폴리우레탄 댐퍼의 거동 특성 검증, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제43권(집) , 제4호 , PP.413~420 , 2023.08.31
Developing a Model for Analyzing Risks Affecting Machinery Tunnel Execution, Buildings , 제13권(집) , 제7호 , 2023.07.11
Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Soil Slope Stability using GA-ANFIS, RFC, and GMDH Soft Computing Techniques, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제18권(집) , 2023.07.01
Experimental performance evaluation of elastic friction damper, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제18권(집) , 2023.07.01
Development of New Material Models for Thermal Behavior of Cold-Formed G-450 and G-550 Steels in OpenSees Software, Journal of Architectural Engineering , 제29권(집) , 제2호 , 2023.06.30
Development of nanomodified-cementitious composite using phase change material for energy saving applications, APPLIED ENERGY , 제340권(집) , 2023.06.15
Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Stress Detection Using Decomposed EEG Signals, Diagnostics , 제13권(집) , 제11호 , 2023.06.01
International Roughness Index prediction for flexible pavements using novel machine learning techniques, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 제122권(집) , 2023.06.01
Impact Assessment of the Land Use Dynamics and Water Pollution on Ecosystem Service Value of the Nile Delta Coastal Lakes, Egypt, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing , 제51권(집) , 제5호 , PP.963~981 , 2023.05.01
CFRP 철근으로 보강된 콘크리트 부재의 비선형 유한요소해석, 콘크리트학회 논문집 , 제35권(집) , 제2호 , PP.215~223 , 2023.04.30
Development and Verification of Fatigue Testing Device for Rail Fastening Clamps, International Journal of Steel Structures , 2023.03.27
Development of Innovative Lateral Resistance Systems Featuring Earthquake-Protective Dampers, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제13권(집) , 제6호 , 2023.03.01
Numerical assessment of rectangular one- and two-way RC slabs strengthened with CFRP under impact loads, Computers and Concrete , 제31권(집) , 제3호 , PP.173~184 , 2023.03.01
반영구적 신소재의 특성 검증 실험을 통한 영구마찰 자동복원 댐퍼 개발 연구, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제14권(집) , 제1호 , PP.62~69 , 2023.02.28
고무 마찰 베어링과 HSS 가새를 적용한 탄소강 프레임 구조물의 내진성능평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제14권(집) , 제1호 , PP.48~54 , 2023.02.28
Development of nanomodified self-healing mortar and a U-Net model based on semantic segmentation for crack detection and evaluation, Construction and Building Materials , 제365권(집) , 2023.02.15
Effect of change intensity fields of magnetized water on fresh and hardened characteristics of concrete, Computers and Concrete , 제31권(집) , 제2호 , PP.97~110 , 2023.02.02
Comparison of Fatigue Performances Based on Shape Change of Rail Fastening Spring, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제13권(집) , 제3호 , 2023.02.01
Minimizing Buoyancy Factor of Metallic Pressure-Hull Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing , 제35권(집) , 제1호 , PP.769~793 , 2023.01.01
Punching Shear Behavior of Slabs Made from Different Types of Concrete Internally Reinforced with SHCC-Filled Steel Tubes, Materials , 제16권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.01.01
A novel AI approach for modeling land surface temperature of Freetown, Sierra Leone, based on land-cover changes, International Journal of Digital Earth , 제15권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1236~1258 , 2022.12.31
저온 상변화 물질 함침 경량골재를 이용한 나노 개질 융설 콘크리트 개발, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제42권(집) , 제6호 , PP.787~792 , 2022.12.31
초탄성 형상기억합금 와이어에 대한 수치해석 재료 모델 모사 연구, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 2022.12.31
Effect of magnetized water on characteristics of sustainable concrete using volcanic ash , CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 제361권(집) , 2022.12.26
Seismic behavior of RC slab-column connection with openings strengthened with CFRP , Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제17권(집) , 2022.12.01
Study on numerical seismic performance evaluation of 3D building frame with smart self-centering BRBs system, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제17권(집) , 2022.12.01
Assessing the Impact of Increasing Tractor-Trailer Speed Limit on the Safety and Mobility of Three-Lane Highways in Egypt, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제12권(집) , 제24호 , 2022.12.01
Improving accuracy of local geoid model using machine learning approaches and residuals of GPS/levelling geoid height, SURVEY REVIEW , 제54권(집) , 제387호 , PP.505~518 , 2022.11.02
Torsional Improvement of RC Beams Using Various Strengthening Systems , BUILDINGS , 제12권(집) , 제11호 , 2022.11.01
Estimation of lightweight aggregate concrete characteristics using a novel stacking ensemble approach, Advances in Nano Research , 제13권(집) , 제5호 , PP.499~512 , 2022.11.01
Life Cycle Analysis of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Thermal Systems for Different Tropical Regions, SUSTAINABILITY , 제14권(집) , 제21호 , 2022.11.01
Assessment of Waste Marble Powder on the Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Concrete and Evaluation of Its Shear Strength, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제20호 , 2022.10.13
Environmentally Friendly Concrete Compressive Strength Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning, Sustainability , 2022.10.11
Multi-Hazard Fragility Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Portfolios using surrogate models, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제165권(집) , 2022.09.01
Behavior of Waste Glass Powder in Concrete Deep Beams with Web Openings, Buildings , 제12권(집) , 제9호 , 2022.09.01
Pilot study for investigating behavior of recentering frame connection equipped with friction damper, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제44권(집) , 제4호 , PP.555~572 , 2022.08.25
A novel approach for resilient modulus prediction using extreme learning machine equilibrium optimiser techniques, International Journal of Pavement Engineering , 제23권(집) , 제10호 , PP.3346~3356 , 2022.08.24
Development of Fibre-Reinforced Cementitious Mortar with Mineral Wool and Coconut Fibre, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제13호 , 2022.06.27
Microstructural Evolution, Tensile Failure, Fatigue Behavior and Wear Properties of Al2O3 Reinforced Al2014 Alloy T6 Heat Treated Metal Composites, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제12호 , 2022.06.15
Stress intensity factor prediction on offshore pipelines using surrogate modeling techniques, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제16권(집) , 2022.06.01
Soft Computing Approaches Towards Tensile Strength Estimation of GFRP Rebars Subjected to Alkaline-Concrete Environment, Case Studies in Construction Materials , 제16권(집) , 2022.06.01
Shear Strength of Nano Silica High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Beams, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제11호 , 2022.05.24
Comparison of thermal performance of steel moment and eccentrically braced frames, Journal of Building Engineering , 제49권(집) , 2022.05.15
Experimental Study on Recentering Behavior of Precompressed Polyurethane Springs, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제10호 , 2022.05.13
Shear Strength Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams using a Novel Hybrid Metaheuristic Optimized SVR Models , Sustainability , 제14권(집) , 제9호 , 2022.05.01
Seismic collapse behavior of steel structures with a smart axial polyurethane friction damper , Journal of Building Engineering , 제48권(집) , 2022.05.01
졸겔코팅 PCM 함침 잔골재 및 이를 사용한 시멘트 복합체 특성 연구, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제13권(집) , 제2호 , PP.28~33 , 2022.04.30
와이어 형태의 초탄성 형상기억합금과 스테인리스강의 재료적 성능 비교: 실험 및 분석, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제13권(집) , 제1호 , PP.44~50 , 2022.02.28
A hybrid wavelet-optimally-pruned extreme learning machine model for the estimation of international roughness index of rigid pavements , International Journal of Pavement Engineering , 제23권(집) , 제3호 , PP.862~876 , 2022.02.23
A New Methodology for Type Synthesis of Planar Linkages for Exoskeletons up to Five Angular Outputs, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제12권(집) , 제4호 , 2022.02.21
Seismic Performance Evaluation According to HSS and CFST Columns of 3D Frame Buildings with Rubber Friction Bearing (RFB), Materials , 제15권(집) , 제4호 , 2022.02.09
Application of mathematical functions for seismic increment fragility determination, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering , 제26권(집) , 제2호 , PP.473~480 , 2022.01.25
Nondestructive tests for defections detection of nanoparticles in cement-based materials: A review, Advances in Nano Research , 제12권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~23 , 2022.01.13
Optimization of the Curved Metal Damper to Improve Structural Energy Dissipation Capacity, Buildings , 제12권(집) , 제1호 , 2022.01.11
Enhancing the compressive strength of thermal energy storage concrete containing a low-temperature phase change material using silica fume and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 제314권(집) , 2022.01.03
Phase-Change Materials in Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Construction and Building Materials, Materials , 제15권(집) , 제1호 , 2022.01.01
Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling Shallow-Water Bathymetry via Satellite Imagery, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , 제60권(집) , 2022.01.01
Safety and Reliability Evaluations of Bridge Behaviors under Ambient Truck Loads through Structural Health Monitoring and Identification Model Approaches , MEASUREMENT , 제187권(집) , 2022.01.01
Mathematical sustainability assessment framework of earthquake-induced steel building population, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제41권(집) , 제4호 , PP.4475~485 , 2021.11.25
Structural Retrofitting of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Bamboo Fiber Laminate, Materials , 제14권(집) , 제21호 , 2021.11.08
Experimental Study on the Behavior of Polyurethane Springs for Compression Members, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제11권(집) , 제21호 , 2021.11.01
Behavior of ECC Columns Confined Using Steel Wire Mesh under Axial loading, Journal of Building Engineering , 제43권(집) , 2021.11.01
전역 최적화 기법을 활용한 강재 댐퍼의 최적 설계 및 성능 검증, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제12권(집) , 제5호 , PP.17~24 , 2021.10.31
고무 마찰 베어링 장치의 거동 특성 연구, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제12권(집) , 제5호 , PP.37~43 , 2021.10.06
Numerical investigation on cyclic behaviour of superelastic shape memory alloy (SMA) dampers , Smart Structures and Systems , 제28권(집) , 제4호 , PP.469~481 , 2021.10.01
Estimating optimum parameters of a new SMA damper under different earthquake ground motions, Structures , 제33권(집) , PP.2700~2712 , 2021.10.01
Novel application of adaptive swarm intelligence techniques coupled with adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system in predicting photovoltaic power, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제148권(집) , 2021.09.01
An Extended Semantic Interoperability Model for Distributed Electronic Health Record Based on Fuzzy Ontology Semantics, Electronics , 제10권(집) , 제14호 , 2021.07.19
Data-Driven Approach for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Using Equilibrium Optimizer Coupled Extreme Learning Machine and Deep Neural Network, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제11 권(집) , 제13 호 , 2021.07.05
Seismic collapse assessment of steel plate shear walls considering the mainshock–aftershock effects, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH , 제182권(집) , 2021.07.01
Comprehensive Survey of Using Machine Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Diagnostics , 제11권(집) , 제7호 , 2021.07.01
Experimental study on the optimized design of butterfly-shaped dampers , Smart Structures and Systems , 제27권(집) , 제5호 , PP.795~801 , 2021.05.01
Predictive modeling of the compressive strength of bacteria-incorporated geopolymer concrete using a gene expression programming approach, Computers and Concrete , 제27권(집) , 제4호 , PP.319~332 , 2021.04.30
Automatic Generation of N-Bar Planar Linkages Containing Sliders, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제11권(집) , 제8호 , PP.3546~ , 2021.04.15
A Prediction Model for the Calculation of Effective Stiffness Ratios of Reinforced Concrete Columns, Materials , 제14권(집) , 제7호 , PP.1792~ , 2021.04.05
A New Algorithm for Unique Representation and Isomorphism Detection of Planar Kinematic Chains with Simple and Multiple Joints, Processes , 제9권(집) , 제4호 , PP.601~ , 2021.04.01
Hybrid-ANFIS approaches for compressive strength prediction of cementitious mortar and paste employing magnetic water, Smart Structures and Systems , 제27권(집) , 제4호 , PP.651~666 , 2021.04.01
Reliability Analysis of Pile Foundation Using Soft Computing Techniques: A Comparative Study, Processes , 제9권(집) , 제3호 , 2021.03.05
Experimental study of new axial recentering dampers equipped with shape memory alloy plates, Structural Control & Health Monitoring , 제28권(집) , 제3호 , 2021.03.01
Experimental investigation of smart shear dampers with re-centering and friction devices, Journal of Building Engineering , 제35권(집) , 2021.03.01
리히터 규모 7.0의 지진에 대응하는 MPS 면진받침의 필로티 구조물에 대한 내진성능 평가 - 비선형 동적 해석, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제41권(집) , 제1호 , PP.13~20 , 2021.01.12
Assessment and prediction of land-use/land-cover change around Blue Nile and White Nile due to flood hazards in Khartoum, Sudan, based on geospatial analysis, Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk , 제12권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1258~1286 , 2021.01.01
탄소나노튜브 및 자기치유 혼화재를 활용한 다기능 모르타르 복합체의 개발, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제11권(집) , 제6호 , PP.41~53 , 2020.12.31
Compressive strength prediction of high-performance concrete using gradient tree boosting machine , CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 제264권(집) , 2020.12.20
Estimating Slump Flow and Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete Using Emotional Neural Networks, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제10권(집) , 제23호 , 2020.12.01
Force–Displacement Relationship of the Butterfly-Shaped Beams Based on Gene Expression Programming, International Journal of Steel Structures , 제20권(집) , 제6호 , PP.2009~2019 , 2020.12.01
Performance assessment of bridges using short-period structural health monitoring system: Sungsu bridge case study, Smart Structures and Systems , 제26권(집) , 제5호 , PP.667~680 , 2020.11.01
Seismic evaluation of special steel moment frames subjected to near-field earthquakes with forward directivity by considering soil-structure interaction effects, Scientia Iranica , 제27권(집) , 제6호 , PP.2264~2282 , 2020.11.01
Contextual Identification of Windows Malware Through Semantic Interpretation of API Call Sequence, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제10권(집) , 제21호 , 2020.11.01
전자기 필드 시스템을 활용한 준설토의 복합 성능의 강화, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제11권(집) , 제5호 , PP.53~59 , 2020.10.26
Seismic behavior investigation of the steel multi-story moment frames with steel plate shear walls, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제37권(집) , 제1호 , PP.91~98 , 2020.10.10
Evaluation of multi-GNSS high-rate relative positioning for monitoring dynamic structural movements in the urban environment, Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk , 제11권(집) , 제1호 , PP.2239~2262 , 2020.10.05
A wavelet - Particle swarm optimization - Extreme learning machine hybrid modeling for significant wave height prediction , OCEAN ENGINEERING , 제213권(집) , 2020.10.01
Computational seismic evaluation of a curved prestressed concrete I-girder bridge equipped with shape memory alloy, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering , 제24권(집) , 제11호 , PP.1881~1900 , 2020.09.18
초탄성 형상기억합금을 활용한 자동복원 가새 프레임 구조물의 내진성능 평가 - 비선형 동적해석, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제40권(집) , 제4호 , PP.353~362 , 2020.08.01
Effects of Brace Configuration and Structure Height on seismic performance of BRBFS Based on the collapse Fragility Analysis, Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering , 제64권(집) , 제4호 , PP.1075~1086 , 2020.08.01
A Three-Step Authentication Model For Mobile Phone User Using Keystroke Dynamics, IEEE Access , 제8권(집) , PP.125909~125922 , 2020.07.15
Predicting lake wave height based on regression classification and multi input–single output soft computing models, Arabian Journal of Geosciences , 제13권(집) , 제14호 , 2020.07.04
Estimating the Dynamic Behavior of Highway Steel Plate Girder Bridges Using Real-Time Strain Measurements, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제10권(집) , 제12호 , 2020.06.20
Performance evaluation of composite moment-frame structures with seismic damage mitigation systems using wavelet analyses, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS , 제74권(집) , 제2호 , PP.201~214 , 2020.04.25
Improved Homotopy Perturbation Method for Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Space Trusses , Applied Sciences-Basel , 제10권(집) , 제8호 , 2020.04.24
초탄성 형상기억합금 및 폴리우레탄을 활용한 자동복원감쇠장치의 반복하중에 대한 성능평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제11권(집) , 제2호 , PP.53~61 , 2020.04.21
초탄성 형상기억합금을 활용한 자동복원 가새 프레임 구조물의 내진성능 평가: 비선형 정적해석, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제11권(집) , 제2호 , PP.7~14 , 2020.04.21
Evaluation of the high-rate GNSS-PPP method for vertical structural motion, SURVEY REVIEW , 제52권(집) , 제371호 , PP.159~171 , 2020.03.03
Hybrid Wavelet and Principal Component Analyses Approach for Extracting Dynamic Motion Characteristics from Displacement Series Derived from Multipath-Affected High-Rate GNSS Observations, Remote Sensing , 제12권(집) , 제1호 , 2020.01.01
Predicting resilient modulus of recycled concrete and clay masonry blends for pavement applications using soft computing techniques, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering , 제13권(집) , 제6호 , PP.1379~1392 , 2019.12.01
초탄성 형상기억합금 보강판을 활용한 보-기둥 접합부의 내진성능 평가 실험, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제10권(집) , 제40호 , PP.48~52 , 2019.08.31
Pilot study for investigating the inelastic response of a new axial smart damper combined with friction devices, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제32권(집) , 제3호 , PP.373~388 , 2019.08.10
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm-Extreme Learning Machine (PSO-ELM) Model for Predicting Resilient Modulus of Stabilized Aggregate Bases, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제9권(집) , 제16호 , 2019.08.07
Effects of blades inside a nozzle on the fiber orientation and distribution in fiber-reinforced cement-based materials, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2019.08.01
Performance Assessment Using a Field Test of a Short-Period Monitoring System: Tun Bridge Case Study, Structural Engineering International , 제29권(집) , 제4호 , PP.600~612 , 2019.07.29
Effects of pulse-like nature of forward directivity ground motions on the seismic behavior of steel moment frames, Earthquakes and Structures , 제17권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~15 , 2019.07.17
Seismic Response of Steel Moment Frames (SMFs) Considering Simultaneous Excitations of Vertical and Horizontal Components, Including Fling-Step Ground Motions, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제9권(집) , 제10호 , 2019.05.02
Effect of flexural and shear stresses simultaneously for optimized design of butterfly-shaped dampers: Computational study, Smart Structures and Systems , 제23권(집) , 제4호 , PP.329~335 , 2019.04.11
Seismic Response of Steel SMFs Subjected to Vertical Components of Far- and Near-Field Earthquakes with Forward Directivity Effects, Advances in Civil Engineering , 2019.04.03
Evaluation of Dorim-Goh bridge using ambient trucks through short-period structural health monitoring system, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS , 제69권(집) , 제3호 , PP.347~359 , 2019.02.10
강진에도 견딜 수 있는 하이브리드 지진격리장치의 성능 검증, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제9권(집) , 제4호 , PP.59~64 , 2018.12.03
Seismic Behavior Investigation of the Corrugated Steel Shear Walls Considering Variations of Corrugation Geometrical Characteristics, International Journal of Steel Structures , 제18권(집) , 제4호 , PP.1297~1305 , 2018.11.01
Effect of Soil Classification on Seismic Behavior of SMFs considering Soil-Structure Interaction and Near-Field Earthquakes, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2018.09.24
다양한 하중 조건에 대한 초탄성 형상기억합금의 주기적 거동 특성 분석, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 2018.09.21
Analysis and design recommendations for corrugated steel plate shear walls with a reduced beam section, THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , PP.658~666 , 2018.09.20
Unsupervised identification of arbitrarily-damped structures using time-scale independent component analysis: Part II, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제32권(집) , 제9호 , PP.4413~4422 , 2018.09.03
Pile-Raft Settlements Prediction under Coupled Static-Dynamic Loads Using Four Heuristic Regression Approaches, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2018.06.14
Structural Health Monitoring and Assessment: Sensors and Anaylsis, Journal of Sensors , 2018.05.30
Comparison of Seismic Reliability and Risk Assessment for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering , 제22권(집) , 제9호 , PP.3452~3461 , 2018.05.15
Performance based design optimum of CBFs using bee colony algorithm, STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제27권(집) , 제5호 , PP.613~622 , 2018.03.30
A novel three-direction datum transformation of geodetic coordinates for Egypt using artificial neural network approach, Arabian Journal of Geosciences , 제11권(집) , 제6호 , 2018.03.10
Unsupervised identification of arbitrarily-damped structures using time-scale independent component analysis:PartⅠ, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제32권(집) , 제2호 , PP.567~577 , 2018.02.01
Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Bracing Damper Systems by Utilizing Metallic Yielding and Recentering Material Devices, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2018.01.30
Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of Structures Using Numerical Simulation and Experimental Tests, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH , 제61권(집) , 제6호 , PP.1512~1524 , 2018.01.05
Experimental and numerical investigation of lead-rubber dampers in chevron concentrically braced frames, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering , 제18권(집) , 제1호 , PP.162~178 , 2018.01.02
Using advanced soft computing techniques for regional shorelines geoid model estimation and evaluation , MARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY , 제36권(집) , 제6호 , PP.688~697 , 2018.01.01
Recent Advances of Structures Monitoring and Evaluation Using GPS-Time Series Monitoring Systems: A Review, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information , 제6(12)권(집) , 제382호 , PP.1~17 , 2017.11.24
지진피해 저감 시스템을 설치한 모멘트 프레임의 거동성능 평가, 한국지진공학회논문집 , 제21권(집) , 제6호 , PP.311~322 , 2017.11.01
Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability of Steel and RC Moment Buildings Using HAZUS and Statistical Methodologies, DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY , 2017.09.28
A New Method for Evaporation Modeling: Dynamic Evolving Neural-Fuzzy Inference system, Advances in Meteorology , 2017.09.27
Analytical Investigation of the Cyclic Behavior of Smart Recentering T-Stub Components with Superelastic SMA Bolts, Metals , 제7권(집) , 제10호 , 2017.09.12
Prediction of Ultimate Strain and Strength of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders Using Soft Computing Methods, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제7권(집) , 제8호 , 2017.07.25
The Performance of Structure-Controller Coupled Systems Analysis Using Probabilistic Evaluation and Identification Model Approach, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2017.06.08
Real-time prediction of water level change using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk , 2017.05.16
Predicting the Pullout Capacity of Small Ground Anchors Using Nonlinear Integrated Computing Techniques, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2017.04.19
Seismic Fragility Estimates of LRB Base-Isolated Frames Using Performance-Based Design, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2017.04.19
Improved predictive model to the cross-sectional resistance of CFT, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제31권(집) , 제8호 , PP.3887~3895 , 2017.04.15
Corrigendum to "Impact of Pressure and Brine Salinity on Capillary Pressure-Water Saturation Relations in Geological CO2 Sequestration", Advances in Condensed Matter Physics , 2017.03.14
Seismic Response Prediction of Buildings with Base Isolation using Advanced Soft Computing Approaches, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2017.02.14
Characterization of Polyethylene Oxide and Sodium Alginate for Oil Contaminated-Sand Remediation, Sustainability , 2016.12.27
고등적인 유한요소해석을 통한 콘크리트 취수탑의 지진 파괴 예측, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 제7권 , 제7권(집) , 제4호 , PP.24~29 , 2016.12.01
유한요소해석을 통한 콘크리트 정수장 구조물의 지진 취약성 분석, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제7권(집) , 제4호 , PP.68~73 , 2016.12.01
Adjustment and Assessment of the Measurements of Low and High Sampling Frequencies of GPS Real-Time Monitoring of Structural Movement, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information , 2016.11.29
Novel Predictive Model of the Debonding Strength for Masonry Members Retrofitted with FRP, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제6호 , PP.337~349 , 2016.11.05
Identification of the Response of a Controlled Building Structure Subjected to Seismic Load by Using Nonlinear System Models, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제6권(집) , 제10호 , 2016.10.18
Yonjung High-Speed Railway Bridge Assessment Using Output-Only Structural Health Monitoring Measurements under Train Speed Changing, Journal of Sensors , 2016.10.12
지진동을 받는 3층 강재 프레임 구조물의 지진거동, 한국강구조학회 논문집 , 제28권(집) , 제6호 , PP.383~394 , 2016.10.03
Experimental Field Tests and Finite Element Analyses for Rock Cracking Using the Expansion of Vermiculite Materials, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2016.08.28
Pilot Study for Investigating the Cyclic Response of the Recentering Bridge Bearing System Combined with the Friction Damper, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2016.08.08
Impact of Pressure and Brine Salinity on CapillaryPressure-Water Saturation Relations in Geological CO2Sequestration, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics , 제2016권(집) , 제5603739호 , PP.11~ , 2016.07.31
Seismic analysis and parametric study of SDOF lead-rubber bearing (LRB) isolation systems with recentering shape memory alloy (SMA) bending bar, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제30권(집) , 제7호 , PP.2987~2999 , 2016.07.14
수직방향 지진성분이 교량구조물의 지진응답에 미치는 영향, Journal of Urban Science , 제5권(집) , 제1호 , PP.21~40 , 2016.06.30
Time-Series and Frequency-Spectrum Correlation Analysis of Bridge Performance Based on a Real-Time Strain Monitoring System, ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING , 제5권(집) , 제5호 , 2016.05.03
Damage Identification and Performance Assessment of Regular and Irregular Buildings Using Wavelet Transform Energy, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2016.03.23
Dynamic Performance Analysis of the Towers of a Long-SpanBridge Based on GPS Monitoring Technique, Journal of Sensors , 2016.03.14
Engineering Behavior and Characteristics ofWater-Soluble Polymers: Implication on SoilRemediation and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Sustainability , 2016.02.25
Seismic Response and Performance Evaluation of Self-Centering LRB Isolators Installed on the CBF Building under NF Ground Motions, Sustainability , 제8권(집) , 제109호 , 2016.01.26
Evaluation of High-Speed Railway Bridges Based on a Nondestructive Monitoring System, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제6권(집) , 2016.01.18
초탄성 니티놀 형상기억합금의 준정적 거동에 대한 수치해석적 재현, 한국강구조학회 논문집 , 제27권(집) , 제6호 , PP.493~501 , 2015.12.01
The SWG Component Technology Classification Scheme Researchthrough the Technology Trend Analysis, 한국수자원학회 논문집 , 제48권(집) , 제11호 , PP.945~955 , 2015.11.02
Bridge Performance Assessment Based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Wavelet Filter for the GPS Measurements, ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION , 제4권(집) , PP.2339~2361 , 2015.10.28
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multistory ReinforcedConcrete Moment Resisting Frame Structure with Shear Walls, Sustainability , 제7호 , PP.14287~14308 , 2015.10.22
Structural Performance Assessment Based on Statistical andWavelet Analysis of Acceleration Measurements of a Buildingduring an Earthquake, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2015.10.21
Investigation of Key Parameters of Rock Cracking Using the Expansion of Vermiculite Materials, Materials , 제8권(집) , PP.6950~6961 , 2015.10.12
Engineering Behavior and Characteristics of Wood Ash and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash, Materials , 제8권(집) , 제10호 , PP.6962~6977 , 2015.10.12
자동복원 및 보강 시스템과 결합된 면진받침의 지진거동과 평가, 한국강구조학회 논문집 , 제35권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1025~1037 , 2015.10.01
Optimizing the De-Noise Neural Network Model for GPS Time-Series Monitoring of Structures, SENSORS , 제15권(집) , PP.24428~24444 , 2015.09.22
Seismic response and evaluation of SDOF self-centering friction damping braces (SFDBs) subjected to several earthquake ground motions, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , 2015.08.24
Summary Review of Structural Health Monitoring Applications for Highway Bridges, JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES , 2015.08.17
Pilot Study for Investigating the Cyclic Behavior of Slit Damper Systems with Recentering Shape Memory Alloy(SMA) Bending Bars Used for Seismic Restrainers, Applied Sciences , 제5권(집) , PP.187~208 , 2015.07.30
Single input-single output identification thermal response model of bridge using onlinear ARX with wavelet networks, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 제29권(집) , 제7호 , PP.2817~2826 , 2015.07.15
Cyclic Testing for Structural Detail Improvement of CFTColumn-Foundation Connections, Sustainability , 제7호 , PP.5260~5281 , 2015.04.29
An Analytical Study on the Performance of Wind Resistant SystemConsidering Climate Change, Applied Mechanics and Materials , 제752권(집) , PP.656~661 , 2015.04.20
CO2-brine Displacement in Geological CO2 Sequestration: MicrofluidicFlow Model Study, Applied Mechanics and Materials , 제75275권(집) , 제3호 , PP.1210~1213 , 2015.04.20
Stayed-Cable Bridge Damage Detection and Localization Basedon Accelerometer Health Monitoring Measurements, SHOCK AND VIBRATION , 2015.03.17
지진 시 콘크리트 합성 빌딩 내 지진 거동의 스펙트럼 해석, 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 , 제6권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~5 , 2015.03.09
Seismic Design, Nonlinear Analysis, and Performance Evaluationof Recentering Buckling-restrained Braced Frames (BRBFs), International Journal of Steel Structures , 제14권(집) , 제4호 , PP.683~695 , 2014.11.01
Tensile force identification in cable-stayed structures: Hybrid system identification algorithm and experimental verification, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제28권(집) , 제11호 , PP.4563~4572 , 2014.10.01
Discussion of "seismic performance of buckling-restrained braced frames with varing beam-column connections", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES , 제14권(집) , 제3호 , PP.677~679 , 2014.09.30
Response of Seismically Isolated Steel Frame Buildings withSustainable Lead-Rubber Bearing (LRB) Isolator DevicesSubjected to Near-Fault (NF) Ground Motions, Sustainability , 2014.09.04
Influence of Atypical Vehicle Types on GirderDistribution Factors of Secondary RoadSteel-Concrete Composite Bridges, JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES , 2014.07.28
Analytical Models for Determining Rotational Capacity of Clip-angleConnections under Seismic Loading, Advanced Materials Research , 2014.07.07
New Bolted End-Plate Connection Design, Advanced Materials Research , 2014.07.07
Performance-based optimal design of self-centering friction damping brace systems between recentering capability and energy dissipation, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제28권(집) , 제8호 , PP.3129~3136 , 2014.05.08
Weight-in-Motion-Based Ambient Truck Characteristic Identification inHighway Bridges, Advanced Materials Research , 2014.04.07
마찰 에너지 소산과 자동 복원력을 활용한 가새 댐퍼 시스템의 최적 설계와 구조적 활용, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제34권(집) , 제2호 , PP.377~387 , 2014.04.01
Investigation of asphalt binder and asphalt mixture low temperature creep properties using semi mechanical and analogical models, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 제53권(집) , PP.568~583 , 2014.02.28
Investigation on the Cyclic Response of Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Slit Damper Devices Simulated by Quasi-Static Finite Element (FE) Analyses, MATERIALS , 제7권(집) , PP.1122~1141 , 2014.02.11
Recovery stress of shape memory alloywires induced by hydration heat ofconcrete in reinforced concrete beams, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES , 2014.01.13
Characteristics of failure surfaces induced by embankments on soft ground, GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING , 제6권(집) , PP.17~31 , 2014.01.06
Discussion of Active Shear Planes of BoltedConnections Failing in Block Shear, JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE , PP.1~2 , 2013.12.10
Simulation-based load distribution behaviour of a steel girder bridgeunder the effect of unique vehicle configurations, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering , 2013.11.26
J-Integral Evaluation for Calculating Structural Intensity and StressIntensity Factor Using Commercial Finite Element (FE) Solutions, Advanced Materials Research , 제650호 , PP.379~384 , 2013.10.14
Case Study for Rectangular Composite Panel Zone, Advanced Materials Research , PP.626~631 , 2013.10.14
Bracing Systems for Seismic and Wind Performance of Tall Buildings, Advanced Materials Research , 제650호 , PP.667~672 , 2013.10.14
Comparison of Various Object Stress Rates under Simple Shear, Advanced Materials Research , 제650호 , PP.407~413 , 2013.10.14
Analytical Characterization of the Performance of Steel Heavy Clip Angle, Advanced Materials Research , 제432호 , PP.202~209 , 2013.10.07
Design Check for the Steel Gusset Plate in Tension using LRFD Method, Mechanics and Materials , 제432권(집) , PP.210~214 , 2013.09.30
Discussion of Ultimate Strength of Single Shear Two-bolted Connections with Austenitic Stainless Steel, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES , 제13권(집) , 제3호 , PP.569~572 , 2013.09.17
Numerical investigation on the cyclic behavior of smart recentering clip-angle connections with superelastic shape memory alloy fasteners, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 제227권(집) , 제C6호 , PP.1315~1327 , 2013.09.17
Design and Strength Evaluation of Critical Gusset Plates in the Steel Bridge Using New Load and Resistance Factor Design Methods and Advanced FE Analyses, ISIJ INTERNATIONAL , 제53권(집) , 제8호 , PP.1443~1452 , 2013.08.15
Cyclic damage model for E-shaped dampers in the seismic isolation system, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제27권(집) , PP.2275~2281 , 2013.08.15
Seismic analysis and evaluation of severalrecentering braced frame structures, journal of mechanical engineering science , PP.1~9 , 2013.08.01
Towards An Application of PBD Principles for Innovative RecenteringBeam-To-Column Connections, Advanced Materials Research , 제716권(집) , PP.569~574 , 2013.07.01
Composite Joints Design - Migrating from Finite Element Models toComponent Models, Advanced Materials Research , 제716권(집) , PP.620~625 , 2013.07.01
Advanced Design for the Bolted Clip-Angle Connection, Advanced Materials Research , 제716권(집) , PP.632~637 , 2013.07.01
Case Study for Bolted T-stub Connection Design, Advanced Materials Research , 제716권(집) , PP.626~631 , 2013.07.01
Numerical Study of Large Deformation Problem of NonlinearViscoplasticity, Advanced Materials Research , 제716권(집) , PP.680~687 , 2013.07.01
Discussion of Seismic Response of Flag-Shaped Hysteretic SDOF Systems with Seismic Fuses, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES , 제13권(집) , 제2호 , PP.379~381 , 2013.06.26
Nonlinear seismic response analysis of curved and skewed bridge system with spherical bearings, Advances in Civil Engineering 2013 , 제2013권(집) , 제0호 , PP.0~0 , 2013.06.25
초탄성 형상기억합금을 활용한 좌굴방지 가새프레임 구조물의 지진거동 및 성능평가, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제33권(집) , 제3호 , PP.875~888 , 2013.05.31
Inelastic behavior of smart recentering buckling-restrained braced frames with superelastic shape memory alloy bracing systems, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 제227권(집) , 제C4호 , PP.806~818 , 2013.04.15
Continuum Models for the Plastic Deformation of Octet-Truss Lattice Materials Under Multiaxial Loading, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 제135권(집) , 2013.04.01
Design and behavior of recentering beam-to-CFT column connections with super-elastic shape memory alloy fasteners, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES , 제13권(집) , 제1호 , PP.55~69 , 2013.03.31
Mechanical prying and slip model for bolted clip-angle components, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제27권(집) , 제2호 , PP.477~482 , 2013.02.28
Numerical simulation for the behavior of superelastic shape memory alloys, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제27권(집) , 제2호 , PP.381~386 , 2013.02.28
반복하중을 받는 볼트 연결부에 대한 역학적인 고등해석 모델의 개발, 대한토목학회논문집(국문) , 제33권(집) , 제1호 , PP.101~113 , 2013.02.11
초탄성 형상기억합금 능동제어 가새시스템을 이용한 중 심가새프레임 구조물의 지진거동 및 복원성능 평가, 한국지진공학회논문집 , 제16권(집) , 제6호 , PP.1~12 , 2012.12.31
Mechanical models for the analysis of bolted T-stub connections under cyclic loads, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH , 제78권(집) , PP.45~57 , 2012.11.20
AISC 2005 코드를 활용한 콘크리트 충전 합성기둥의 해석과 평가, 한국복합신소재구조학회지 , 제3권(집) , 제3호 , PP.9~21 , 2012.09.10
A two surface plasticity model for the simulation of uniaxial ratchetting response, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제26권(집) , 제1호 , PP.145~152 , 2012.01.20
Mechanical modeling of bolted T-stub connections under cyclic loads Part I: Stiffness Modeling, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH , 제67권(집) , 제11호 , PP.1710~1718 , 2011.11.01
"Seismic performance evaluation of composite-special moment frames with concrete-filled tube columns", KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering , 2011.11.01
Damage evaluation of composite-special moment frames with concrete-filled tube columns under strong seismic loads, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING , 제15권(집) , PP.1381~1394 , 2011.11.01
Analyses and evaluations for composite-moment frames with SMA PR-CFT connections, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS , 제65권(집) , 제4호 , PP.433~455 , 2011.09.01
Investigation on the Inelastic Behavior of Full-scale Heavy Clip-angle Connections, International Journal of STEEL STRUCTURES , 제11권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~11 , 2011.03.01
Design, analysis and application of innovative composite PR connections between steel beams and CFT columns, SMART MATERIALS STRUCTURES , 제20권(집) , 제2호 , 2011.02.01
Analytical Studies of Full-scale Steel T-stub Connections Using Delicate 3D Finite Element Methods, ISIJ INTERNATIONAL , 제51권(집) , 제4호 , PP.619~629 , 2011.01.01
Recovery and residual stress of SMA wires and applications for concrete structures, SMART MATERIALS STRUCTURES , 제19권(집) , 2010.09.01
"Analytical investigation on ultimate behaviors for steel heavy clip-angle connections using FE analysis", ISIJ International , 2010.06.01
Seismic Design, Performance, and Behavior of Composite-Moment Frames with Steel Beam-to-Concrete Filled Tube Column Connections, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES , 제10권(집) , 제2호 , PP.177~191 , 2010.06.01
"Advanced analysis and performance based evaluation of concrete filled tube (CFT) columns", Advanced Steel Construction , 2010.04.01
"Plastic continuum models for truss lattice materials with cubic symmetry", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 2010.03.01
합성구조 설계매뉴얼, 한국강구조학회 , 2016.10.01
강구조설계, 동화기술 , 2016.06.10
Smart Connection Systems: Design and Seismic Analysis, CRC Press , 2015.10.06
Advanced Engineering and Technology-PART 1, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS , 2015.05.01
Advanced Engineering and Technology-PART 2, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS , 2015.05.01
Advanced Materials Structures and Mechanical Engineering - Part 1 and Part 2, Trans Tech Publication , 2014.09.04
토목설계, 한국검인정교과서 , 2013.12.31