인천대학교 로고

2023. 03.
Prof. Jangho Lee was appointed
2021. 09.
Prof. Seung-Soo Lee was appointed
2020. 09.
Prof. Minseok Koo and Prof. Daejin Choi were appointed
2020. 03.
Prof. Yuhyeon Shin was appointed
2019. 03.
Prof. Hyungbu Paik was appointed
2018. 04.
Prof. Jin Tak Choi retired
2017. 03.
The admission unit for the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering was changed from 112 to 108, including 30 students in the night class
2017. 02. 28.
Prof. Jeong-gyu Kim and Prof. Wol-bong Song retired
2016. 03.
The admission unit for the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering was changed from 120 to 112, including 30 students in the night class
2015. 10.
30th Anniversary of the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
2015. 08.
Prof. Jae-Kyun Ahn was appointed
2015. 08. 31.
Prof. Byeong-Soo Lee retired
2014. 08. 31.
Prof. Sang-Rak Lee retired
2013. 08.
Prof. Jeebeom Kim was appointed
2012. 08.
Prof. Wooil Kim was appointed
2012. 08. 31.
Prof. Byeong-Tae Jeong retired
2011. 09.
The admission unit for the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering was changed from 150 to 120, including 30 students in the night class
2010. 03.
Department name change: Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (120 students), Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (night) (30 students)
2009. 10.
The Information Systems Supervision Major at the Graduate School of Information Technology was established
2005. 11.
The 20th Anniversary Celebration and Festival of the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
2002. 10.
The admission unit for the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (night) was changed from 40 to 30
College of Information Technology was established, changed college name: Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (night) -
2001. 07.
Department name change: College of Engineering Computer->Computer science and engineering major, Computer science and engineering major (night)
1999. 11.
Department name change: Computer science major, Computer science major (night)
Changed the name of the graduate program (Dept. of Electronic Computing -> Dept. of Computer Science),
Ph.D. Program: Computer Science
Change the name of the major: (Information Processing -> Computer) -
1998. 11.
Department name change: Dept. of Information Telecommunication Engineering at the College of Engineering, Electronic Computing Major, Electronic Computing Major (night)
1996. 11.
The new information processing major at the Graduate School was established
1995. 10.
The Dept. of Computational Science and Engineering at the Graduate School of Education was established The Master's Program in Computational Science and Engineering at the Graduate School was established
1989. 10.
The admission unit for the Dept. of Electronic Computing (night) was changed from 50 to 40
1989. 02.
The 1st Graduation
1988. 11.
College of Engineering was approved: Dept. of Electronic Computing, Dept. of Electronic Computing(night)
1987. 10.
Dept. of Electronic Computing(night) was established (50 students)
1985. 03.
The 1st Admission (Prof. Byeongsoo Lee)
1984. 10.
Dept. of Electronic Computing was established (50 students)